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Holiday Health Survival Guide

As wonderful as the holidays are, they can also be pretty tough on our digestive system.

There are the endless celebrations when we eat foods that we ordinarily don’t consume and, as a result, suffer digestive issues like bloating, stomach upset, and more.

Then there is the stress that comes along with the holidays that can affect our mood. Plus traveling to friends and relatives means our gut takes a beating.


Avoid Holiday Hazards

Don’t despair! There are some simple steps you can take to survive this joyous time of year:


1. Eating Healthy

Proper nutrition makes a big difference in how you feel during the holidays.  Check-in with yourself before you sit down to eat and evaluate your hunger level. Remember, you don’t have to clean your plate, no matter what your Mother says. There is always another meal and leftovers coming up, so don’t over indulge.  You’ll feel better if you don’t leave the table stuffed and uncomfortable.


2. Managing Stress

For many, the holidays offer plenty of reasons to be stressed out and anxious. By planning ahead, the level of chaos and tension can be reduced.  Schedule specific times for cooking, shopping, family gatherings, and even include a few moments of “alone time.” 


3. Sleep Tight

Stress can also sabotage the quality and quantity of sleep. Getting proper rest is essential to reducing anxiety and remaining cheerful, especially during this time of year. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor mood and unwanted behavior changes. So, if you don't want to turn into a grumpy old Scrooge, assure you obtain restful sleep.


4. Travel Preparation

This is a notoriously stressful time to travel, with jam-packed airports, busy train stations, and congested roads. Researchers have found that jet lag may actually negatively affect the microbes in the gut.

Over 80 percent of the immune system lives in the gut. So, visiting unfamiliar places can play havoc on the immune system.  Maintaining a healthy and balanced digestive system with probiotics will help support overall wellness during this busy travel season.


Probiotics for Health

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help you digest food, absorb nutrients, and maintain healthy flora in the intestinal tract. Plus, they support a healthy immune system and have a positive effect on mental health.

Surviving the season with good health and a positive outlook should include daily probiotics, both during the holidays and into the new year.

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